# --------------------------------------------
# CITATION file created with {cffr} R package
# See also: https://docs.ropensci.org/cffr/
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cff-version: 1.2.0
message: 'To cite package "CGR" in publications use:'
type: software
license: GPL-3.0-only
title: 'CGR: Compound Growth Rate for Capturing the Growth Rate Over the Period'
version: 0.1.0
doi: 10.32614/CRAN.package.CGR
abstract: The compound growth rate indicates the percentage change of a specific variable
  over a defined period. It is calculated using non-linear models, particularly the
  exponential model. To estimate the compound growth rates, the growth model is first
  converted to semilog form and then analyzed using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression.
  This package has been developed using concept of Shankar et al. (2022)<https://doi.org/10.3389/fsufs.2023.1208898>.
- family-names: Shankar
  given-names: Dr. S. Vishnu
  email: S.vishnushankar55@gmail.com
- family-names: Paul
  given-names: Dr. Ranjit Kumar
  email: ranjitstat@gmail.com
- family-names: Roy
  given-names: Dr. Himadri Shekhar
  email: himadriiasri@gmail.com
- family-names: Yeasin
  given-names: Dr. Md
  email: yeasin.iasri@gmail.com
repository: https://vishnumrstat.r-universe.dev
commit: 20e3ac5aa2732d62e8305c15472c5ecac0e32e34
date-released: '2024-03-29'
- family-names: Shankar
  given-names: Dr. S. Vishnu
  email: S.vishnushankar55@gmail.com